CSCL Arctic Ocean Arriving at the Port of Felixstowe 10th May 2017

CSCL Arctic Ocean Arriving at the Port of Felixstowe 10th May 2017

Saturday, 28 October 2017

First call of the CSAV Tyndall to the Port of Felixtowe 24th October 2017

The pilots onboard the outbound Triton transfer onto the Csav Tyndall which was on her first call to the Port of Felixstowe. The ship sails from Dunkerque with a maximum draught of 11.75 metres. Once onboard the pilot requests two Svitzer tugs for berthing, the first outside the harbour centre lead aft and the second at the corner centre lead forward. It will be a port swing and back up to the berth.

Svitzer Sky leaves the tug pontoon to be the first tug and makes fast centre lead aft. A short while later Svitzer Deben leaves the tug pontoon and paddles towards the Beach End for the Csav Tyndall to come around the corner. Once inside the harbour the Deben makes fast centre lead forward.

Further in the harbour, Svitzer Sky goes straight astern to slow the Tyndall down ready to swing her around in the middle of the harbour. As the pilot comes astern on the main engine the tugs are asked to get ready for the port swing by Sky moving out on the starboard quarter and Deben moving out on the port shoulder. The tugs increase power to swing her around to a head out position.

The pilot comes astern on the main engine to back up towards the berth with Sky putting some weight on the line towards the berth. Deben moves onto the port side and puts a little weight on the line to help her straighten up onto the berth.

Both tugs move on to the starboard side before coming in for a push alongside.

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