CSCL Arctic Ocean Arriving at the Port of Felixstowe 10th May 2017

CSCL Arctic Ocean Arriving at the Port of Felixstowe 10th May 2017

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Maersk Mc Kinney Møller swings for Felixstowe Berth 9 with two Svitzer tugs. 29th November 2017

The 18270TEU Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller arrives to the Port of Felixstowe during a very busy morning.
The vessel, first to be built of a family of 20 was named after the late Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller, the son of A.P. Møller group's founder, who sadly passes away at the age of 98 in 2012.

Firstly around 6:30am, the 19437TEU MSC Ditte was being pulled from Berth 9 but she had to swing before she could leave the harbour. The two ferries, Gardenia Seaways and Severine were the next to leave, followed by the 19100TEU CSCL Indian Ocean which was berthed on number 8 and finally the Stena Britiannica departed. As the Indian Ocean was 400 metres they had to have a clear run out to 5&6 Buoys as the channel begins to widen around there.

Mc-Kinney Møller heads inbound and request two tugs to swing off the berth to go portside to Felixstowe Berth 9. The pilot wanted the first tug to meet at 7&8 Buoys and make fast centre lead aft, the second tug outside the harbour on the starboard quarter then move around to the port quarter for a push around and then move back onto the starboard side to push up to the berth.

The Svitzer Kent finished with the CSCL Indian Ocean waits for the Mc-Kinney Møller to get closer before making their approach to make fast aft. The Svitzer Shotley heads out of the harbour to be the second tugs and positions on the starboard quarter. Passing the Platters the pilot gets the Kent to go out on the portside for a powered indirect around the 90 degree Beach End turn into the harbour. Shotley sits alongside just incase the Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller needed a little more help turning into the harbour.

Turning nicely, the pilot gets the Shotley to come away from the ships side and move to the portside ready to push up for the swing.Kent eases up and drops back in astern as they go up the harbour on a northerly heading. The ships engines go astern to slow her up more before Shotly squares up and pushes up full to start the swing. Kent moves out to the starboard quarter and builds up to a full pull while the bow swings with the use of bow thrusters. Almost swung the Shotley comes away from the portside and heads around the stern to the starboard side around midships to push her alongside Felixstowe Berth 9.

Final tie up 6 and 2 each end.

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